BDE: R’ Mordechai Aaron Samotin, z”l, Well-Known in the Boro Park Community
By YS Gold
We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Mordechai Aaron Samotin, a fixture in a number of shuls in Boro Park, including Brizdovitz and Shomrei Shabbos, even though he resided in Crown Heights.
He hailed from an irreligious background with roots in the Bronx. He was named for his paternal grandfather, Aaron Samotkin, who lived in the Bronx, then a bustling Jewish community. He was brought close to Yiddishkeit through R’ Shlomo Carlebach and settled in Crown Heights, where he became a Lubavitcher.
“R’ Mordechai was a person full of Ahavas Yisroel, always finding ways to look out for others. He was always b’simcha with a smile on his face,” said an article on
He was a familiar face to many around Boro Park, and he would make the rounds collecting tzedakah, saying Tehillim and davening fervently in area shuls.
The levaya will take place at 770 Eastern Parkway Monday morning at 9:45.
Yehi Zichro Baruch