BDE: R' Yosef Fefferkorn z"l

BDE: R' Yosef Fefferkorn z"l

By Idy Perl

We are sad to inform our readers about the passing of Reb Yosef Fefferkorn z”l. He was the son of R' Avrum Eluzer, and sadly passed away yesterday at age 67.

Reb Fefferkorn was a beloved melamed, baal chesed, and a pillar of the Viznitz community. He was well-known in the community as a warm person who always had a story or a vort to share with everyone. 

He served as a melamed in Viznitz, and then in Torah V’daas, for many years, where thousands of talmidim were lucky enough to sit in his classroom and receive his warm chinuch.  But he was a lot more than a melamed. As a strong Viznitz Chasid, dedicated to the Klal and ensuring the Rebbe's moisdes thrived, the Viznitz cheder was his passion, and he took on multiple jobs in order to keep the cheder going. He stepped up as the cook and bus driver when there was no one else to do those jobs so that the cheder should keep running, and he was the head counselor in the Viznitz camp for many years as well. 

Reb Fefferkorn was an einikel of the illustrious Reb Shaya Kerestir and was known to do an enormous amount of chesed in the community. “He was one big piece of heart,” a close relative shares. “He was always doing something for another yid. He will be sorely missed.”

As a bochur he was the hoiz bochur for the Noam Eliezer from Skulen, and much later in life he was chavruse with the Chernobl Rebbe. 

The levaya took place last night at the Viznitz shul on 53rd Street and New Utrecht. 

Yehi Zichro Burich.

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