BDE: Reb Moshe Seidenfeld, z”l

YS Gold
We regret to inform you of the passing of Reb Moshe Seidenfeld, z”l, an ardent Munkatcher chossid from Boro Park. He was 82 years of age.
The niftar was born in Tel Aviv in 1943 to his father Reb Naftuli Seidenfeld. He hailed from generations of prominent Munkatcher chassidim. His grandfather, the shochet Reb Shloime Gross, still merited to see the Bnei Yisaschar.
In the spring of 1968, his parents immigrated to America.
They first settled in Williamsburg, and later in Boro Park.
Reb Moshe never missed the Yamim Nora’im in the court of the current Rebbe in all fifty years of his leadership, and he had the chazakah to start the niggun v’ye’esayu by every shalosh seudos. Every Munkatcher minhag was precious and holy to him, and he would not forego anything to do with his Munkatcher heritage.
Reb Moshe was known as an exceptionally nice person who always had a smile and a good word for everyone.
Reb Moshe returned his soul to its maker on shabbos, and the levaya will take place Sunday 3pm at the Minkatch shul.
Yehi zichro baruch.