BDE: Reb Pinchos Tyberg, z”l, founder of Aleksander shtiebel.

BDE: Reb Pinchos Tyberg, z”l, founder of Aleksander shtiebel.

By: Boropark24 staff 

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of R’ Pinchos Tyberg, one of the pillars of the Aleksander shtibel in Boro Park and a relative of the Aleksander dynasty. He was 78 years of age. 

The niftar was born in Eretz Yisroel, where his family had come prior to the war. As a young boy he learned in yeshiva Eitz Chaim in Yerushalayim, and, as the grand-nephew of the Aleksander Rebbe, his family had a close relationship with the Admorim. 

As a young boy, the family came to America, where they davened in the Gerer Shtiebel in Williamsburg. Eventually they moved to Boro Park, where the niftar married into the Friedman family (proprietors of Super 13 grocery).  

He was the founder of the Aleksander shtiebel on 15th Avenue, and remained a pillar of this chaburah for the rest of his life. He was behind initiatives, known and unknown. He was a great ba’al chessed and ba’al tzeddakah, and the engine behind the Daf Yomi shiur for decades. 

He was a ba’al tefillah during the Yomim Nora’im, a quality he inherited from his father, and the mispalelim recall his incredibly heartfelt tefillos. 

“But the most important thing that must be said about him,” recalls one acquaintance, “is his incredible strength of character. I have personally witnessed on numerous occasions how he remained silent in the face of insults, refusing to speak ill of another person, no matter what they said or did to him.” 

A few years ago, Reb Pinchos was hit by a car, and since then he suffered greatly. But this did not deter him from making his way to tefillos and shiurim, despite the difficulty involved. 

He was nifar on Friday. 

Yehi zichro baruch. 

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