BDE: Reb Yisroel Lieber, z”l, of London, Levaya in Boro Park

BDE: Reb Yisroel Lieber, z”l, of London, Levaya in Boro Park

We are deeply saddened to inform you of the passing of Reb Yisroel Lieber, z”l, of the Viznitzer community in London, at the untimely age of 41. 

The niftar was a fixture within the Viznitzer Chassidus, especially in his hometown of London, where he was born to his father, ybl”ch, Reb Moshe Zev. He was known as a dedicated Askan in London, a chassidisher yungerman and a yerei Shomayim.

He was mekushar  with every fiber of his being with the Yeshuos Moshe of Viznitz, and with his son, the current Rebbe, Rebbe Mendel of Viznitz, Bnei Brak. 

He was stricken with the dreaded machlah a few months ago, and suffered tremendously, as he endured treatments in America. Here, he became endeared to the local community who admired his valiance and his transcendence above his suffering. 

The last days of his life were spent in elevation and joy, as he was zoche to participate in the simcha in the Viznitzer court, and the great Shabbos that succeeded it. Last night, the Viznitzer Rebbe came to his home to bid him farewell. It would be the last time they would meet, as his purified neshomoh would ascend heavenward only hours later, in the wee hours of Tuesday morning, surrounded by a minyan. 

The levaya is taking place at 3:00 at the Viznitzer Shul, 1429 47th Street, and the niftar will be brought to London for a levaya and kevurah tomorrow. 

Yehi zichro baruch. 

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