Belzer Chasidim Uplifted Following 'Shabbos Tahareinu'

YS Gold
This past Shabbos, parashas Vayechi, just as we were set to enter the exalted days of Shovavim, the entire Belzer Chassidus experienced a Shabbos dedicated to the commitment to the proper use of technology.
Dubbed “Shabbos Tahareinu” by the Belzer Ruv shlit”a, this Shabbos found every single Belzer shtiebel in the world hearing from speakers about the importance—for themselves and their families—of the proper use of technology.
Posters circulated prior to Shabbos indicated the commitment to use technology only when needed, and only in the proper time and only in the proper place.
As Belzer Chassidim in Boro Park and Monsey, in Lakewood and in Staten Island, entered the auspicious days of Shovavim, it was with a resolution to live purer and holier lives.