Building the Future: Stolin Rebbe to Lead Shabbos and Even Hapinah in Boro Park
By BoroPark24 Staff
Boro Park is set to experience a historic and uplifting Shabbos as the Stolin Rebbe, who arrived from Israel for the Even Hapinah of the new Shul, leads the tefilos and tishen at "The Palace."
The highlight of the Rebbe’s visit will take place on Motzei Shabbos, when he will lay the Even Hapinah for a massive new shul, which will stand as a beacon of Torah and tefilah. The future home of the Stolin community is set to be built at 16th Avenue and 47th Street.
This new shul will not only accommodate the ever-growing Stolin chasidim but also serve as a central hub for the broader Boro Park community.