Center Spirit Magazine’s Pesach Issue Captures Readers’ Imaginations

By Yehudit Garmaise
In between seders, shul, meals, and visiting with family and friends in the coming days, we need some reading that we can’t put down.
Thankfully, Boro Park’s Center (BPC) just released its Pesach issue of Center Spirit Magazine, which is packed with fascinating reads about the hidden and inspiring messages of the sedarim, a secret seder in Unterluss, Germany, conducted with a handwritten haggadah, and 22 brilliant ideas for organizing kitchen cabinets.
Readers also learn BPC’s Pesach activities that start right after the staff straightens up after the center’s lively Purim festivities.
Not only did residents bake their own matzah and create their own Seder plates, but along with Boro Park Cholim, BPC recently celebrated the completion of two sifrei Torah that were dedicated to the community’s many Holocaust survivors.
To continue Center Spirit’s series that showcases what makes BPC tick behind-the-scenes, Jeff Grazybowski, who heads the center’s excellent rehab department, reveals the keys to BPC’s residents’ high success rates as they recover from injuries.
For readers who want to enjoy the ruchnius of the Yom Tov season, while guarding their physical health as well, Suri Sprei provides insightful Pesach-related health tips that will keep everyone in tip-top shape.
Whether readers turn to read about the halachos of Pesach, find some new, delicious Pesach recipes, or learn about when Polish builders in Lodz who found 400 precious silver kiddush cups, menorahs, and Shabbos candlesticks that were buried by Jews when World War II broke out, Center Spirit’s Pesach issue, which can be picked up at no charge at local kosher grocery stores, is sure to provide fascinating reading this three-day Yom Tov.