The planned Hanochas Even Hapinah ceremony for the Bobov-45 Beis Medrash is the talk of town as Wednesday’s historic celebration draws near. Thousands of Bobov-45 Chasidim and members of the general Boro Park community are scheduled to participate in this once-in-lifetime gathering when Boro Park will formally welcome the addition of a major Beis Medrash and Chasidic headquarters.
The shul, one of the biggest of its kind in all of North America once completed, has been long awaited since the days when the Rebbe took over the mantle of leadership, and during the ensuing years of community growth, Be’ezras Hashem. The massive facility promises to become not just the headquarters of the Chasidus but a central spiritual home for all of Boro Park.
With the event scheduled for Wednesday afternoon, it is expected that the streets surrounding the construction site on 14th Avenue and 49th Street will be closed off to vehicles in some capacity. In anticipation, askanim in the Chasidus have been working with law enforcement and local organizations to arrange for the proper flow of traffic and ensure that residents have access to their homes and destinations with minimal disruption.
The Hanochas Even Hapinah will be attended by a large number of Rabbanim who will be paying their respects to this great moment. Many notable political and community figures are also scheduled to attend as the frum community in New York commemorates this milestone.
The neighboring Y community center will have access to the facility on the 50th Street side, and plans are being mapped out to ensure the fewest hours of disruptions for the fewest neighboring streets. Local residents, eager to see this magnificent facility become a reality, are expected to be joining the festivities, and it is hoped that there will be little negative impact on their routines.
In these exciting days for Bobov-45 and Boro Park, the memories of this historic event are sure to be etched in the minds of young and old for years and generations to come. Until Moshiach’s day, this edifice will serve as a bastion of Torah, Avodah and Chasidus for all.