New Weapon in the War on Rats

New Weapon in the War on Rats

C.G. Hoffman

Eric Adams, the mayor of New York City, is famous for his hatred of rats. He has vowed to eradicate them from the city, and even appointed a “rat czar” to spearhead the City’s efforts to get rid of NYC’s most unwanted inhabitants, by any means available. After introducing strict new measures that seek to change the way New Yorkers and businesses dispose of their garbage, there may now be a new weapon in the city’s rat-killing arsenal.

A section of 86th Street in the Upper East Side has employed a method that city council member Julie Menin says has a nearly 100% success rate. Exterminator Matt Deodato, often called “Matt the Rat Killer” uses a relatively low-cost machine that pumps carbon monoxide into rat burrows in sidewalk tree beds. The carbon monoxide dissipates quickly, and is not dangerous to humans, but quickly eliminates any rats hiding in the burrows.

After seeing tremendous success in an area that had previously been plagued with rats, Council Member Menin wants to see the program expand to other areas that have seen many complaints, with her sights now set on East 75th Street between Second and Third Avenues.

While some have hailed the new method as a possible end to the problem, others say not so fast. Eliminating the burrows is only one part of the solution, Deodato says. A big part of the problem is a human problem, and people have to make changes in the way they dispose of their trash in order to completely eliminate the problem. If you eliminate their food supply and a place for them to make their home, he says, “You eliminate the rat.”

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