NYC Housing Authority Announces Section 8 Voucher Lottery Results; 200,000 Families Selected

By Idy Perl
A few months ago, Boro Park 24 reported that the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program waitlist reopened, allowing residents to enter a raffle for Section 8 assistance.
Over the weekend, residents who entered the raffle received an email or a letter in the mail letting them know if they received a slot, or regretfully, if they didn’t. The NYC Housing Authority announced that a total of 200,000 families were selected to receive the voucher through a random lottery.
Those who won the lottery received the following email:
"NYCHA has selected your Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program application to be placed on the waitlist. Your case number is ...... Please save this number for reference.
You can check the status of your application via NYCHA’s Self-Service Portal at any time. If you do not have a Self-Service Portal account, you must create one. When creating an account on the portal, please ensure that you enter your first name, last name, date of birth, and Social Security number exactly as this information appears on your application. If the information you enter is incorrect or does not match the application, you will receive an error message.
Please keep the information in your application up to date via the Self-Service Portal (for instance, if your address or contact information changes) to ensure NYCHA can contact you once you are selected from the waitlist.
There is no need to follow up about your application. When your application is reached on the waitlist, NYCHA will contact you to schedule an interview to determine your eligibility for the HCV Program. We cannot estimate when your application will be reached on the waitlist. For more information about the HCV Program, please visit"
Those who were not selected received the following email:
"We regret to inform you that your application was not selected for the waitlist. NYCHA received an unprecedented response to the reopening of the waitlist and randomly selected 200,000 applications to be placed on the waitlist."