Revolutionary Wedding Hall Opens In Beit Shemesh To Solve Orphan Wedding Crisis

Revolutionary Wedding Hall Opens In Beit Shemesh To Solve Orphan Wedding Crisis

Tov V’chesed Opens Magnificent Double-Wedding- Hall Where Orphans Are Married Off Free Of Charge!

Yesomim and yesomos from poor Israel families have long had a hard time making it to their big day because the many expenses are financially crushing. To remedy this issue, an ingenious and forward-thinking plan was hatched by Rabbi Shisha of Tov V’Chesed.

He embarked on a mission of building two magnificent wedding halls built side by side in the city of Beit Shemesh. Recently completed, each hall serves and presents as a regular hall but there is a twist: only one wedding is paid for by the family! The profits are then used to cover all expenses of the second wedding where the chosson or kallah are orphaned: hall, caterer, musician, florist, photographer etc.  With both halls being interchangeable, no visitor can know which wedding is being held free of charge! This forward-thinking project will cover approximately 150 weddings every year.

The hall has been open for a couple of months, and every night, the heart-rending chuppah sees chosson and kallah shed a tear of joy for the tremendous yeshua they’ve seen at the hand of the donors who they are mispalel for at this auspicious time.

This is soon followed by the jubilant sounds of simchas chosson v’kallah, all enjoyed by the family with dignity and complete peace of mind! A number of leading Rebbes and Gedolim who are intimately familiar with the chesed efforts of Rabbi Shisha and his group have visited the new space in the early months to put up a mezuzah and make a L’chaim, sharing warmest hatzlacha wishes for this paradigm-shifting venture. 

Some of the generous donors who contributed large sums to the project came to Israel to witness firsthand the fruits of their labor and see the world of chesed they had a hand in building. As they toured the impressive facility, they were overwhelmed with emotion realizing that this gift will keep on giving for years and decades to come.

Sponsorship opportunities are still available at Ulamei Hakramim.
To contribute with a dedication or share your donation, please contact 845-517-0656 or visit the Tov V’Chesed website at

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