Shidduch of Viznitzer Rebbe’s Eldest Grandson
By: Yehuda Alter
Joyful celebration is being felt in Viznitz, as the Viznitzer Rebbe of Boro Park celebrates the engagement of his eldest grandson, Chaim Meir Tirnauer.
The chosson is the son of Rav Elimelech Tirnauer, the Rebbe’s son in law, a grandson of Rav Yaakov Shamshon Tirnauer of Chust, and the great grandson of the Rachmastrivka Rov of Monsey.
The Kallah is the daughter of Rav Meir Baruch Stein, a son of the Falishaner Rov of Bensonhurst, and a son in law of the previous Viznitzer Rov of Boro Park, known as the Ohr Sholom, zt”l