Study: New York is Worst City for Driving in America

YS Gold
A new study was released by the route-planning website Circuit, and its findings confirm what many New Yorkers may have long intuited: New York is the worst city in the country to drive in, with the average resident spending 236 hours in rush hour traffic.
The Circuit survey looked at five key factors to come up with the ranking. It asked drivers how much time they spent in rush hour per year, time spent in traffic congestion per year, money spent on fuel per year, mile speed, and number of fatal car accidents in the city.
According to the survey, the following are the top ten worst cities for driving in America:
1. New York
2. Chicago
3. Los Angeles
4. Boston
5. Washington, D.C.
6. Houston
7. Philadelphia
8. San Francisco
9. Honolulu
10. Dallas