CSI Warns the Community About Bomb Threats
by Mindy Cohn
The Community Security Initiative (CSI) informed the community on Erev Shabbos that synagogues across New York State received identical bomb threats on Friday, December 1.
New York Police Departments have been actively investigating the situation, which involved at least fifteen New York City synagogues, among them five in upper Manhattan and two in Brooklyn.
Both law enforcement and CSI report there is no evidence that the threats are founded nor based on any credible threats to the Jewish community in New York at this time.
The threatening messages were sent both via email and through online contact forms. In at least two instances, multiple synagogues received the same threat in a mass email.
CSI then went on to recommend that shuls review their institution’s generic email inboxes as soon as possible and contact local police and CSI if a threat was received.