Memory Lane: Rav Yoel Summer
The Bielsker Iluy Born in the Polish town of Bielsk in the year 5725 (1865), Yoel became known as the “iluy of Bielsk.”.... read more
Memory Lane: Rav Anschel Wainhaus
Rav Anschel was one of the primary founders of the Mirer Minyan, and one of its revered pillars for four decades—spending every possible moment.... read more
Memory Lane: Rav Chaim Pesach Fettman
Among the postwar generation of Hungarian Holocaust survivors in Boro Park lived a tzaddik, ga’on, nistar, and mekubal. Rav Chaim Pesach.... read more
Memory Lane: Rav Moshe Roginsky
It was in the aftermath of the Churban, and of the thousands of Novaradoker talmidim, from the dozens of Novaradoker yeshivos throughout Russia.... read more
Memory Lane: Remembering the Tragic Loss of R' Lazer and Mrs. Miriam Papier
This weekend marked the Yiddish anniversary of the tragic deaths of R' Lazer and Mrs. Miriam Papier, who were.... read more
Memory Lane: Rav Mendel Guzik
Rav Mendel Guzik was the founder of the Vaad Harabanim of New York, an organizing body that contributed much to Jewish life in New.... read more
Memory Lane: Ladder 148-Engine 282, Boro Park’s Century-old Firehouse
It has served as a house of protection for Boro Park, and a home for New York’s Bravest charged with speeding toward danger in the case of a.... read more
Memory Lane: Rav Simcha Zissel Halevi Levovitz, zt”l
Rav Simcha Zissel was a pillar of the postwar Mirer chaburah, a ba’al mussar and Rosh Yeshiva, a son of Rav Yeruchom Levovitz, the Mirer.... read more
Memory Lane: Rav Yaakov Eliyahu Rabinowitz
On the outer edge of Boro Park lies Congregation Bnei Israel of Linden Heights, which is nearing its 100th anniversary. Throughout its century of.... read more
Memory Lane: Reb Daniel Goldstein, Z”l, A Pure Voice of Prayer and Piety
The Goldstein family is a Boro Park legend, having lived in Boro Park for close to a century. In that time, their dedication and mesiras nefesh.... read more
Memory Lane: Rav Shmuel Gerstenfeld, zt”l
Rav Gerstenfeld was a great ga’on who taught at RIETS. He lived in Boro Park during the 1920’s and 30’s. Rava.... read more
Memory Lane: Rav Avrohom Shkop
A fixture in Boro Park’s Mirer Minyan was Rav Avrohom Shkop, the grandson of the legendary Rosh Yeshiva of Grodno. Anyone connected with the.... read more
Memory Lane: The Chortkover Kloiz of Boro Park
Many years ago, there existed a contingent of Chortkover chassidim in Boro Park of yore, and they are listed on the certificate of incorporation..... read more
Memory Lane: Rav Mendel Krawiec
Rav Mendel Krawiec was the longtime Rosh Yeshiva of Rebbeinu Jacob Joseph on the Lower East Side’s Henry Street. He came to this position.... read more
Memory Lane: Rav Dov Berish Zuckerman, zt”l
Hidden in Buffalo for decades, Rav Zuckerman, a phenomenal ga’on, sat and learned with great diligence. The Tchebiner Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Baruch.... read more
Memory Lane: Rav Elozor Twersky, Faltishaner Rebbe
Skvyra The fourth son of Rav Dovid of Skvyra was Rav Shloime Twersky, who assumed the place of his father in Skver, after.... read more
Memory Lane: Rav Shlomo Polatchek, zt”l, The Maitcheter Iluy
As a bachur, the sefer stood out from the bookshelves in the yeshiva’s library; “Chidushei Ha’iluy Mimaitchet.” It would decades before we.... read more
Memory Lane: Rav Reuven Leibowitz
Readers may recall that in our story on read more