"The Helmet Saved My Life" - A Boro Park Resident Shares His Miraculous Story

By Idy Perl
Boro Park resident and famous photographer Yisroel Goldstein sat down with BoroPark24 to share the miraculous story he experienced last week Thursday.
Mr. Goldstein bikes from Boro Park to B&H Photo every day, but last Thursday, as he was biking home down 34th St towards 10th Ave, the unexpected happened. He hit a pothole in the street, and within split seconds, he went head-over-wheels over the front of the bike, hitting his head hard on the concrete.
“The next thing I knew I woke up on the side of the road with 6 or 7 bystanders who offered me water and asked me how I’m feeling,” Mr. Goldstein shares.
Several Hatzolah members and firefighters responded to the accident and wrapped his head before transferring him to the hospital. He blacked out again enroute to the hospital, and there was a team of 10 or 11 doctors and nurses around his bed when he woke up.
It was only then that they realized the true extent of the miracle.
“The doctors told me, 'Mr. Goldstein, the helmet you were wearing saved your life,'” he said, showing the helmet, which was cracked in half. “If not for the helmet, the crack would’ve been in my skull.
“The helmet saved my life, and it can save yours too,” Mr. Goldstein concluded.