Weekly Weather: Stalled Cold Front will Bring Lots of Rain, Potential Flooding

Weekly Weather: Stalled Cold Front will Bring Lots of Rain, Potential Flooding

BY: Yaker Biegeleisen 

As we have noted before, we have been experiencing levels of rain far below the usual. 

Which means that the rain that we are about to get will be welcome, but may catch some of us by surprise. Some areas around us may see 3-4 inches of rain between Monday evening and Wednesday evening. This will likely lead to dangerous flooding in low lying areas, and basements that get flooded easily will likely see flooding. 

Drivers should avoid using the roads if at all possible during the downpour. 

Once the cold front passes, we should see pleasant early-September weather for the rest of the week. 

Yaker Biegeleisen is Boropark24's weather and nature reporter.

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