BDE: Mrs. Chaya Rochel Hollander, a"h

YS Gold
We regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Chaya Rochel Hollander, a"h. She was 50 years of age.
The nifteres was the daughter of ybl"ch Reb Chaim Nota Davidowitz, also an ardent Bobover chossid, and she was raised in a home steeped in Torah and chassidus.
She was married to ybl"ch, Reb Chaim Shloime Hollander, a Bobover Chusid, and together they raised a beautiful family to which she was exceptionally devoted.
Sadly, Mrs. Hollander was stricken with illness recently, and she was nifter on Wednesday morning.
The Levaye will take place 3:00 in the afternoon at the Bobover Bhm"d.
Yehi zichru baruch.