BDE: Mrs. Leah Freier, a”h
By: Boropark24 staff
It is with heavy hearts that we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Freier, after courageously battling an illness for a number of years. She was in her early 60’s.
She was the daughter of, ybl”ch, Mr. and Mrs. Shaul Wolf, who hail from generations of chassidim and Rabbonim in Galicia, and were prominent Bobover chassidim for generations.
She was married to, ybl”ch, Hagaon Rav Chaim Freier, a talmid chochom, and Maggid shiur in the Bobov-45 yeshiva for years.
The nifteres was known for her exceptional caliber in middos, and she accepted her Illness with incredible grace.
She leaves behind a beautiful Torah family and an incredible legacy.
The Levaya will take place at the Beis Medrash of Bobov-45 (Beis yaakov on 15th avenue) at 10:30 this morning.
Yehi Zichra baruch