BDE: R’ Moshe Gedalia Adler, z”l
By: Boropark24 staff
We are saddened to inform you of the passing of R’ Moshe Gedalia Adler. He was 57 years of age, and had been battling an illness for a number of years.
He was the son of Reb Yoel Adler, z”l, of the Satmar Chassidus.
He was a frequent presence in the shuls of Boyan, Kosson, and the Satmar Beis Medrash on 15th Avenue, and was known as a ba’al middos and an ehrliche person.
He worked as a shomer at the Shomrei Hadas Chapel, where he was known to do his work with seriousness and earnestness/
The Levaya took place this last night at the Satmar Shul on 15th Avenue, and will made a stop in Kiryas Yoel at 12:30, after which the niftar was interred in the beis hachaim there.
Yehi Zichro baruch.