BDE: Mrs. Sarah Grunbaum, a”h

BDE: Mrs. Sarah Grunbaum, a”h


We regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Sarah Gruenbaum, a matriarch of a beautiful Torah family. She was 93 years of age. 

The nifteres was the daughter of Reb Yisroel Moshe Mandel of Dej, Hungary, and she survived the war through great miracles. She was an einikel of the Chasam Sofer and a number of other Torah luminaries, and always carried this legacy proudly. 

She settledin Montreal with her husband, Reb Kloynimus Kalman Gruenbaum, an extremely chashuve Yid, and she lived in Montreal for most of her life  

Having most of their children and grandchildren in Brooklyn, the Gruenbaum’s came to Boro Park in later years, where Mrs. Gruenbaum was an exceptionally doting bobby for all of her offspring. 

Simultaneously, she had Exceptional dedication to kibbud eim, taking care of her mother with extraordinary dedication for many years. 

She leaves behind an extraordinary legacy of ehrlichkeit, middos tovos, and emunah peshutah. 

The levaya will take place 12:00 at Shomrei Hadas. To watch it live click here.

Yehi zichra Baruch. 

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