BDE: Tragedy at Camp Zhelim as Boro Park Boy Passes Away Suddenly
YS Gold
It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the tragic events over Shabbos at Camp Arugas Habosem-Zhelim.
On Friday night after the seudah, 12-year-old Shia Singer, z”l, collapsed suddenly. Despite the best efforts of Hatzolah, they were unable to save his life, and he sadly passed away at the hospital.
The Singer family are admired mispalelim at Rav Binyomin Eisenberger’s Shul, and Shia’s father is known for his dedication to chessed.
The events, understandably, left the campers terribly shaken, and Chai Lifeline trauma and grief counselors were at the camp on motzei Shabbos doing their heroic work of counseling the campers.
The levaya will take place Today at 11:30 at 1650 57th Street.
Yehi zichro baruch.