BDE: Yechezkel (Chesky) Joffe, z”l

YS Gold
We regret to inform you of the passing of Yechezkel (known as Chesky) Joffe, z”l, a beloved figure in the Boro Park community. He was 58 years of age, and was an only child to his Holocaust survivor parents.
“The niftar loved Hatzolah… it was his life” recalled one longtime Hatzolah member. “He always sought to help us in every way that he could, and would help keep up the ambulances,” he recalled. “He was a gem of a guy.”
Yechezkel was niftar on Thursday afternoon, and the levaya will take place this evening at 10:30 at the Satmar beis Hachaim, 30 Schunnemunk Rd in Monroe.
Yehi zichro baruch.