Boro Park Families Enjoy FDNY Open House at 12th Avenue Fire Station

By BoroPark24 Staff
On Sunday, the first day of Chol Hamoed, Boro Park families were thrilled to visit the 12th Avenue fire station, which participated in the citywide FDNY open house.
Children from across the neighborhood explored the firehouse, watched firefighters slide down the iconic fire pole, and even got a chance spraying the fire hose themselves.
Kids climbed onto fire trucks and listened eagerly as firefighters shared insights about their challenging work. The excitement reached a peak when a real fire call came in, allowing attendees to see the firefighters spring into action, racing to the scene without delay.
The event also provided families with safety pamphlets for the home and coloring books and crayons for the kids, featuring age-appropriate fire safety scenes. It was an educational and thrilling day, giving the Boro Park community a closer look at New York's Bravest.