Heichel Menachem Purchases Iconic Ahavas Achim Lubavitch Shul

By Idy Perl
Exciting developments happened on Rosh Chodesh Kislev in the Lubavitch community in Boro Park.
On Monday, Heichal Menachem Boro Park purchased a new building that will serve as a second location for learning, shiurim and farbrengens that don’t fit into their current shul, Beis Reb Yoel. Due to the rapid growth of the community, Beis Reb Yoel is at full capacity on a daily basis, with every room in the beis medrash being used to accommodate the overflowing crowd.
The new building, a 100-year-old iconic Chabad center known to locals as Simpsons Shul, located at 1546 46th St, between 15th and 16th Avenues, will accommodate the large crowds as well as serve as an extension of Beis Reb Yoel to those who live further away.
Plans are underway to renovate the historic building and ready it for the Torah learning that will soon take place there.