NYC Council Overrides Mayor's Veto of How Many Stops Act

by M.C. Millman
After Mayor Eric Adams vetoed the How Many Stops Act on Friday, January 19, as reported by BoroPark24 here the New York City Council voted this afternoon to override the mayor's veto.
The law will now require NYPD officers to record and document encounters not previously required to be recorded. The documentation process will now require that police officers record each encounter and file additional paperwork detailing such events, such as where an individual was stopped and questioned, as well as information about race and gender.
While the measure was lauded by city Democrats, who said the bill would have minimized "bias-based policing", the mayor, the NYPD, the Council's Republicans, and some of its moderate Democrats countered that the bill would put an unnecessarily heavy bureaucratic burden on cops.
To prove his point, the mayor invited the City Council on Sunday, January 21, as reported by BoroPark24 here, to ride along to see firsthand what a New York Police Department officer would have been required to document during his normal day. The invitation was meant to encourage City Council members to allow the veto to stand. But those who took the mayor up on the invitation were unable to change the collective mind of the City Council, which voted this afternoon to cancel the mayor's veto and to allow the How Many Stops Act to move ahead into law.