Construction Proceeds on New Shtetl for Skverer Chassidus in Swan Lake

Yitzy Fried
With the encouragement of the Skverer Rebbe, shlit”a, and the cooperation of local officials, the construction on the brand new Skverer shtetl in the upstate enclave of Bethel is proceeding apace—and the Chassidim were recently notified about the date when a cornerstone for the new Skverer village will be laid.
The village will be named Kiryas Skver.
Many Skverer Chassidim from Boro Park have already purchased homes in the new village, and this is hoped to alleviate the dearth of homes in Boro Park for many of the Chassidim here.
For the past year, plans and construction have been proceeding on the hundreds of homes, and on the magnificent beis medrash that will be erected in the center of the village.
The cornerstone for the beis medrash will be laid by the Skverer Rebbe on 21 Adar Beis with the participation of thousands of Chassidim who will rejoice at the tremendous expansion within the Chassidus.