Viener Rebbe to Spend Uplifting Yom Tov Shavous in Boro Park

By BoroPark24 Staff
The Viener chassidim in Boro Park are overjoyed to be welcoming the Viener Rebbe, who resides in Williamsburg, and will be spending the Yom Tov of Kabulas Hatorah in their midst.
All Tefilos and Tishen will take place in the Ateres Golda ballroom.
After Mincha Erev Yom Tov, the Rebbe will deliver a Shmees as a Hachuna to Kabulas Hatorah for the Chasidim.
The first day after Misef, the Rebbe will lead a Kiddush with divrei torah.
Mincha the second day, followed with a big Nei'las Hachag tish, will be at 8:30pm.