13-Year-Old Found B"H Safe
BoroPark24 Staff
Boro Parkers saw this Shabbos an extensive search in the streets for a 13-year-old bucher who went missing.
The bucher, from Monsey, was in Boro Park for a Simcha, and was last seen about 9 a.m. at 44th Street and 14th Avenue.
After volunteers conducted search that went on for many hours, the bucher called his mother at the zman to let her know where he is.
It turns out he got lost and ended up walking far into Flatbush. Realizing people would be worried, by the zman he borrowed a phone to call home.
Shmira then went to the location and brought the bucher back to his relieved parents in Boro Park who are thanking Hashem for the happy and safe ending.