BDE: Mrs. Chava Fried, a”h

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Fried. She was 97 years of age.
She was born in the town of Petrova, Romania, where her father was the melamed of the town. She would recall his deep refinement, which permeated the entire home, and influenced her until her last days.
She survived the concentration camps along with one sister, and she married her husband, Reb Avrum Fried. They settled in Romania, where Mr. fried had a dental practice, and they exhibited great mesirus nefesh in keeping Yiddishkeit—but their ultimate sacrifice came in the 1970’s, when they left behind everything they owned, including a dental career, simply for the chinuch of their children.
The Frieds worked long and hard hours, with Mrs. Fried supplementing their income through her work at a clothing factory.
Her refinement was a feature of her life: she went out of her way to smile to others, and to put a smile on their faces, always looking to make others feel good.
They were prominent mispalelim at the Oyvar shul in their neighborhood, where they davened for decades.
She was predeceased by her husband and a daughter, and merited to leave behind Torah generations.
The levaya will take place at Shomrei Hadas at 11:00 this morning.
Yehi Zichra Baruch.
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