BDE: Mrs. Sima Rauchberger, a”h, Holocaust Survivor, Native of Sighet

BDE: Mrs. Sima Rauchberger, a”h, Holocaust Survivor, Native of Sighet

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Rauchberger, a longtime Boro Park resident who established generations here. She was 92. 

The family was Viznitzer and Antonia Chassidim and prominent talmidei chachomim in Sighet, where her grandfather built a large shul. 

She would recall her childhood in Sighet. Her father was Akiva Drummer, an extremely tall man who had the most angelic voice. She would relate how crowds would gather beneath their dining room window to listen to her father sing at Shabbos meals. 

She came to Eretz Yisroel following the war. She worked as a bookkeeper at a firm in Yerushalayim where her workmate was Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky, a”h. 

She married Reb Mordechai Duvid Rauchberger from Hungary, also a survivor, and came to America in the 1960’s, where they settled and built a beautiful Torah family. 

She worked for many years as a bookkeeper, while her husband worked in a tile store, and the Rauchbergers were prominent mispalelim at the Nitra Beis Medrash. 

Mrs. Rauchberger is remembered as a determined woman who was a matriarch and a great inspiration to her entire family and to all those who knew her. 

The levaya will take place at Shomrei Hadas at 8:30 this evening (Sunday). 

Watch Live the Levya of Mrs. Sima Rauchberger, a”h

Yehi Zichra Baruch. 

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