Captured Moment: Hashomer Hatza’ir

By Y. S. Gold
This week’s captured moment takes us to the center of 16th Avenue where there was once—in 1940— a meeting place for members of this Zionist movement.
It has served as the shul of one of Boro Park’s most prominent poskim for many years, and continues to do so.
Can any of our readers pinpoint the location?
Answer to last week’s captured moment:
5502 11th Avenue served as the shul of an extremely esteemed rov by the name of Rav Chaim Meir Braun. A number of weddings in Boro Park of yore were held inside and outside the shul, with the Divrei Yoel of Satmar even attending one of them. Rav Braun and his Rebbetzin sadly had no children, and he wrote the sefer Toldos Chaim, his everlasting Torah legacy.