News Sparks: Two IDF Officers Killed by Friendly Fire; Muslim Priest Banned from Belgium for calling for the burning of Jews

Two IDF Officers Killed by Friendly Fire
In an attempt to find a person who has stolen night vision equipment from the base the day before, two patrols from the Israeli Defense Forces’ elite Egoz Unit set out from an army base in the Jordan Valley on Wednesday night.
One group consisted of three commanders and a soldier, while the second was an officer acting alone, but due to an apparent lack of communication, they did not know each other’s whereabouts.
Shortly before 11:00 p.m., the two groups spotted each other both assuming they had come across armed suspects. It is still unclear who opened fire first, but the lone officer shot and killed two officers before realizing that they were fellow IDF servicemen.
Muslim Priest Banned from Belgium for calling for the burning of Jews
The Moroccan Imam, Mohamed Toujgani, who up until a year ago preached at one of the largest mosques in Belgium, was banned from Belgium in October for being considered a threat to national security.
He has called for the ‘burning of the Jews’ in the past and has been monitored by State Security for a while. It was now confirmed by Belgian Secretary of State, Sammy Mahdi, that three months ago his residence permit was withdrawn
Former Ambassador to Israel Joins Republican Jews Coalition Board of Directors
David Friedman, former President Donald Trump’s Ambassador to Israel, has joined the Republican Jewish Coalition’s board of directors. Friedman is credited with changing the United States’ attitude towards Israel, greatly improving the pro-Israel stance of former President Trump.
“We are very excited that David Friedman is now taking a leadership role in the Republican Jewish Coalition,” RJC National Chairman Senator Norm Coleman, said. “The RJC has a terrific plan for energizing and growing the Jewish Republican base and for bringing them out to support Republican candidates in 2022. We are delighted that David will be part of our efforts.”
“I am honored to join the outstanding leadership of the Republican Jewish Coalition, a group that has done so much to advance the values and interests of the American Jewish community,” former Ambassador Friedman said. “The RJC is a respected and prominent voice against antisemitism and has a long track record of holding elected officials, from both sides of the aisle, accountable for their words and actions.”
Photo credit: Yonathan Sindel/Flash90 Times of Israel