President Trump Announces Vaccines Could be Delivered as Early as Next Week

By Yehudit Garmaise
COVID vaccine deliveries will begin as early as next week, President Donald Trump said last night in a teleconference he held with U.S. troops overseas.
"The whole world is suffering and we are rounding the curve," President Trump said, as he gave Thanksgiving greetings to members of the U.S armed forces. "And the vaccines are being delivered next week or the week after."
President Trump said that front-line workers, medical workers, and senior citizens would be the vaccine's first recipients.
The COVID-19 vaccines are arriving just nine months after President Trump launched “Operation Warp Speed,” the president’s initiative to produce and deliver the first doses of 300 million safe and effective vaccines by January 2021.
Operative Warp Speed provided billions of dollars and other resources to pharmaceutical companies that have been working feverishly to produce and test COVID-19 treatments and vaccines, a process that usually takes years.
“I pushed people harder than they've ever been pushed before and we got that approved,” the president said. “Nobody's ever seen anything like it."
Now that Pfizer has developed with BioTech a vaccine that has tested to be 90% effective, on Dec. 10, the Food and Drug Administration is set to review Pfizer's request for the vaccine' s emergency use authorization.
In addition, Moderna and AstraZeneca also have vaccines that they say are, respectively, 94.5% and 62 to 90% effective in preventing COVID-19.
“We are on track to deliver a safe and effective vaccine,” Vice-president Mike Pence said a few weeks ago at a press conference in which the president announced the new vaccines. “I firmly believe that a bright future will be here very soon.”
(Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour)