TONIGHT: Skulener Rebbe Will Preside Over Grandchild’s Wedding
Yitzy Fried
This evening, a great simcha will take place in the Skulener court when the Rebbe’s granddaughter will marry the chosson, Chaim Mordechai Horowitz, a scion of the Dzikover dynasty.
This will be a special simcha for the chassidim, since it will be the first major appearance of the Skulener Rebbe after months that he spent in Arizona. He was hospitalized there during that time for a number of weeks, and was finally declared well enough to travel back home.
The wedding will take place at Ateres Elka, 2 School Terrace, in Monsey. The Rebbe will appear for dancing at 9:45, and will dance Mitzvah Tantz at 11:30.