Weekly Weather: More Cold, Stormy Weather Sunday Evening

BY: Yaker Biegeleisen
Following a frigid Shabbos, we get more blustery cold tonight—into the single digits.
Sunday brings us more frigid cold, albeit sunny.
However, as the afternoon progresses a storm rolls in. This is a storm we had been watching from the west coast… but its trajectory had been unclear. It began in Seattle, and moved through Missouri… leaving a lot of snow in its wake.
It now seems like it will begin as snow around 6:00 in the evening, switching to rain, and then back to snow. We do not expect much snow accumulation from this storm, but driving conditions are expected to be difficult in the evening, with icy roads in some areas.
The rest of the week remains quite cold, with temperatures in the teens and low twenties, though dry for the most part.
Yaker Biegeleisen is a born-and-bred Boro Parker, a weather enthusiast, and reports on weather for Boropark24.