100K Tickets Issued by Law Enforcement Over Holidays

YS Gold
With the secular holidays behind us, the New York State Police have released astounding numbers with regard to moving violations issued by law enforcement across New York State during the week of the holidays.
More than 100,000 tickets have been issued by various law enforcement agencies, with 37,000+ tickets issued by State Police alone.
This effort was part of the national Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over traffic enforcement period over the X-mas and New Year’s Day holidays.
State Troopers arrested 510 people for DWI and investigated 3,210 accidents, which resulted in 420 people being injured and five fatalities. They utilized sobriety checkpoints, additional DWI patrols, and ticketed distracted drivers who used handheld electronic devices. Troopers also used both marked State Police vehicles and Concealed Identity Traffic Enforcement (CITE) vehicles as part of this crackdown in order to more easily identify motorists who were violating the law.
The breakdown of the ticket totals were:
• Impaired Driving: 3,030
• Distracted Driving: 1,027
• Move Over Law: 597
• Other Violations: 78,685
• Seatbelt: 2,537
• Speeding: 20,633
• Grand Total: 106,509