Admorim of Rachmastrivka Will Visit Kever Today
YS Gold
One week has passed since the petirah of the Rachmastrivka Rebbe, zecher tzaddik livracha.
Scores of people, led by Rabbonim and Admorim, came to be Menachem avel the sons of the Rebbe who sat in the large shul.
As per the custom, a visit will be paid to the tziyun today, at the close of shiva. The Admorim will make their way to the kever at Har Shulem in Airmont, along with their cousin, the Rachmastrivka Rebbe of Eretz Yisroel who arrived especially to console them.
The ceremony will take place at 2:30, and a l’chaim will take place in the shul in Boro Park late afternoon at 8:00.