Around the House: Create a Daily Routine to Keep Your House in Order

By Yehudit Garmaise
Instead of spending Friday mornings feverishly rushing around to clear off tables, put things away, and tidy up for Shabbos, take on little daily tasks to keep home neat as a pin all week.
1. Rise and shine: Children should be taught, as best they can, to make their beds as soon as they switch from cribs to beds.
2. Take out the trash: Husbands and older children should be asked and thanked heartily for undertaking this crucial job every morning.
3. Keep the dishwasher and drying rack empty when the dishes are dry. Wipe down kitchen counters and sink.
4. WIpe the stovetop clean.
5. Spray down bathrooms: After the troops leave for the day, bathroom counters, sinks, and mirrors should be given a spritz and wiped down.
6. Empty the smaller trash containers in bathrooms and bedrooms and restock new bags for easy removal the following day.
7. The big sweep: Sweep kitchen and bathroom floors, under tables and chairs, entryway, and any wood or tiled floors daily.
8. Each time you get up and walk around your home throughout the day, try to pick up one misplaced item and put it in its place. For instance, hang up coats, distribute papers and mail, and throw away any trash you see.
9. During short breaks from work and caring for children throughout the day, throw in a load of laundry and remove what is in the dryer. Fold the laundry at your next opportunity.
10. While deciding what to eat for lunch, take an extra second to consider whether anything can be tossed. Then, take a few more seconds to wipe down one shelf and straighten the remaining items.