Avoid Being the Next Grab'n Go Victim

by M.C. Millman
With the new rash of grab'n-go thefts occurring nearly nightly now in Boro Park - protecting yourself from falling victim to this escalating crime boils down to one important focus - don't look like a target.
Suggestions for not becoming the next victim of the latest crime spree where riders on motorcycles and mopeds simply pull up next to unsuspecting targets, grap purses, jewelry, and cell phones from right out of the victim's hands, and zoom off include the following.
BoroPark24 has compiled a list of preventive suggestions to avoid becoming a victim of motorcycle thieves.
- Stay vigilant. Don't tune out.
- Look aware and be aware of your surroundings when walking.
- Don't talk and/or focus on your phone.
- Walk with your husband when possible.
- Walk in groups or close to a group if you're walking alone, as groups are less likely to be targeted.
To avoid having your pocketbook snatched:
- Wear your pocketbook under your coat.
- If it's on your shoulder, also grip the strap.
- Depending on the style of your pocketbook, wear it with the flap turned inward so it's harder for pickpockets.
- Always buy a pocketbook with a zipper closer instead of a snap that otherwise enables easy access to pickpockets.
- Purchase an inexpensive locating tracker to keep in your pocketbook for easier recovery should there ever be a need.
To avoid being targeted for jewelry:
- Wear your jewelry inside out; for a ring, wear it with the jewels turned inward so only the plain band shows.
- Wear gloves.
- Tuck in all necklaces and bracelets.
- Keep your ring hand or one with a bracelet in your coat pocket.
If you see anything suspicious, move away and towards light and people.
And as always - if you see something, say something, asap!
Should you see or experience a grab-n-go theft, call 911 and Shomrim at 718-871-6666