BDE: Mrs. Devorah Rus Stefansky, a”h

BDE: Mrs. Devorah Rus Stefansky, a”h

YS Gold 

We regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Stefansky, a longtime Boro Park resident, and a renowned ba’alas chessed. She was in her 80’s. 

The nifteres was the daughter of Reb Chaim Yisroel Neurath, and the wife of, ybl”ch, Reb Yitzchok Stefansky. 

Her name was synonymous with chessed, and she imparted this middah to her children as well. She was always there for the needy, and dedicated herself to tzedakah and chessed. 

She leaves behind beautiful Torah generations, with many bnei Torah and talmdei chachomim among them. 

The levaya took place in front of Boro Park’s Lakewood Minyan today, and there will be a levaya in Eretz Yisroel on Tuesday, with kevurah on Har Hazeisim. 

Yehi zichra baruch. 

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