BDE: Mrs. Sarah Rosenfeld, a”h

YS Gold
We regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Sarah Beila Rosenfeld, a longtime Boro Park resident. She was 82 years of age.
The nifteres was the daughter of R’ Ephraim Shraga Silberberg, a son of Rav Avrohom Binyomin Silberberg, rov of Pittsburgh. She was born in Pittsburgh, and spent her early years in that city—growing up in the glow of his illustrious father and grandfather, on a tradition of mesirus nefesh for Yiddishkeit, and imbued with the mesorah of the generations of Rabbonim and Admorim from whom she was descended.
She married R’ Yossie Rosenfeld, and together they established a beautiful Torah family.
Acquaintances noted how, despite numerous challenges that she went through in life, she never complained and always focused on the good in each person. “She was always involved in the details of the lives of each grandchild,” noted a grandson. She always made sure all the grandchildren knew about the great people they came from, and could talk about anything, to anyone. “She would go far and wide to every simcha she was invited to, always loved and welcomed wherever she went,” recalled a grandson.
She cherished every bit of nachas, every picture you would send her… always valuing every moment of life. Despite the challenges, she radiated joy to everyone.
Mrs. Rosenfeld was nifteres Sunday afternoon, and the Levaya took place in Shomrei Hadas Monday morning.
Yehi zichra baruch.