BDE: R’ Duvid Josowitz, z”l
By: Boropark24 staff
We are deeply saddened to report on the shocking and sudden petirah of R’ Duvid Josowitz, a pillar of the Kosover kehillah, and beloved father and grandfather. He was 74 years of age.
The niftar was born in Eretz Yisroel, and came to the United States as a child. For years, he davened at the shtiebel of the Zolitchicker Rebbe, and continued davening by his son, the Kossover Rebbe shlita.
Friends and acquaintances recall a deeply warm personality, who had exceptional generosity to so many.
No one can recall a day in which the niftar was not in Beis Medrash at 5:00 am, learning and davening with meticulousness before going out to earn a living.
Sadly, he suffered a tragic cardiac arrest on Monday evening and was niftar shortly thereafter, plunging his family and friends into shock and sadness.
The Levaya will take place today at 11:00 am at Shomrei Hadas.
Yehi Zichro baruch