BDE: Rav Meir Rokeach zt"l, the Kozlover Rebbe of Boro Park

BDE: Rav Meir Rokeach zt"l, the Kozlover Rebbe of Boro Park

Boro Park - We are saddened to inform of the petira of Rav Meir Rokeach, the Kozlover rebbe of 12th Avenue. He was 78.

The rebbe, who was niftar from the coronavirus, was renowned as a tremendous talmid chacham and lover of sefarim. He had a massive library and was a posek for his neighborhood.

The rebbe replaced his father, Rav Moshe Rokeach zt"l, as Kozlover rebbe. He was a son-in-law of the gaon Rav Simcha Bunim Grunberger zt"l, the rov of the Chasam Sofer shul in Washington Heights.

The rebbe zt"l is survived by his rebbetzin and large family.

Yehi zichro boruch.

BDE: Haguon Hagudol Harav Dovid Olewski Z”l, Rosh Yeshiva of Ger.
  • Apr 4 2020
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  • 10:22 PM

BDE: Reb Yosef Hersh Perl z"l
  • Apr 4 2020
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  • 9:27 PM

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