Bidding Farewell to 5781: A Year of Revealed Greatness and Glory

Bidding Farewell to 5781: A Year of Revealed Greatness and Glory

It is the last day of 5781, and Klal Yisroel in modern times is hard pressed to find a more difficult year in our lifetimes. From our dashed hopes for an end to the terrible Coronavirus Pandemic, to the slew of horrific tragedies that have befallen Am Yisroel in this year… it seemed to have been too much to bear.

And so many of our readers have been so deeply affected—directly and indirectly—by these events. And yet, here we are. Exactly where Hashem has ordained for us to be exactly one year ago on Rosh Hashanah. And it is this knowledge that provides us comfort as we head into a brand new year; that our Father knows what is good for us, and that everything is from Him.

And one more thing:

As we endeavor to provide an abbreviated “year-in-review,” it seems improper simply to focus on the tragedies that have taken place. When a Yid looks back at a year that has passed, it cannot be with a focus on the negative things. Rather, we take a look at the greatness of Klal Yisroel that has been revealed through these events.

Triple Tragedies: 

Meron-Karlin-Surfide. This terrible trilogy rolled off the tongues of Klal Yisroel this spring. Unfathomable events that will never be forgotten.

We, here in the United States, were preparing for Lag Ba’Omer when previously-unthinkable news began filtering in at a furious pace. The next days were spent in a haze of disbelief. Yet, in the ensuing days, the stories of heroism and kindness, of unshakable emunah, of a united nation—strengthening each other in the darkest of times—soon became an eternal part of the story. 

So soon after, the Karlin-Stolin community was celebrating the inauguration of a much-needed, long-awaited, new Shul. The event was streamed to chassidim in America—who rejoiced along with the Rebbe and the chassidim in the Holy Land. Which made the ensuing moments all the more painful, when they watched in horror as hundreds of young bachurim crashed to the ground as the bleachers gave way. In the coming weeks, Klal Yisroel galvanized to the aid of the victims of the tragedy—sending millions of dollars to those who had suffered so much.

A few weeks later, another collapse. Here too, Yidden from around the world flew in to help, or sent aid to those displaced by the tower collapse. 

The Lost Lights

When we think about the tremendous Gedolim that have been taken from us this year, it is easy to feel alone and bereft. Great men who were holy, and who spent eight or nine decades of their lives knowing nothing but the holy Torah, and were so exceedingly humble; their middos were the greatest advertisement to

Rav Dovid Feinstein, zt”l, Rosh  Yeshiva of Mesivta Tiferes Yerushalayim, and one of the poskei hador; Rav Chaskel Roth, zt”l, the tzaddik who would seclude himself in Meron, and who was Boro Park’s preeminent posek; Rav Dovid Soloveitchik, Rosh Yeshivas Brisk, who produced thousands of Talmidim, many from right here in Boro Park; And Rav Yoel Kahan, zt”l, who dedicated himself to the dissemination of Toras Hachasidus, with a special focus on Boro Park, with relentless dedication.

 When we think about the loss, it is almost too much to bear. But perhaps we must appreciate the lasting gifts that we have been given through them, and their lifelong endeavor of teaching us Torah and its beautiful ways—timeless truths that will always remain with us.

History and Holiness

Two enormous events, in two large chassidic courts, took place in Boro Park this year.

The Bobover Rebbe married off his youngest child this year—a historic milestone, marking the marriage of the youngest of a generation; the last grandchild of the Bobover Rebbe, Rav Shloime, zt”l, who transplanted the Bobover court to Boro Park close to seventy years ago.

More recently, we have had the presence of the Gerer Rebbe shlit”a, along with masses of chassidim, for two Shabbosim. The occasion was the marriage of the Rebbe’s granddaughter, which he brought over to America.

The lingering emotions of joy and history will continue to be felt far into 5782.

Who by Water?

Finally, Boro Park residents were treated to a rare glimpse of the ferocity that can be wrought by water when the remnants of Ida descended upon our neighborhood for an evening. Most basements were flooded, causing incalculable damage. But, as soon as the drops began to fall, Klal Yisroel’s heroes were activated—and the acts of selfless kindness that were done throughout that night can fill volumes.


As we head into the dawn of a new year, beseeching Hashem for a year that will be far sweeter, and with far more revealed good than the last, we can look back with great pride at Klal Yisroel’s beauty that has been revealed in ways that it otherwise might not have—knowing that we have surely invoked the love and the rachamim of our Loving Father in Heaven.

Wishing our Readers and all of Klal Yisroel a Kesivah V’chasimah Tovah
  • Sep 6 2021
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  • 12:00 PM

BDE: Mrs. Leah Gobioff, A"H
  • Sep 5 2021
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