Boro Park Mourns 6 Yidden From Community in One Day

Boro Park Mourns 6 Yidden From Community in One Day

BoroPark24 Staff

At BoroPark24, it is always a sad moment when we are notified by family and friends about a person who has passed on, leaving a family and community in tears. At the same time, we use our platform to give the proper Kavod Hames, by announcing the Levaye information and writing a tribute in their memory.

Today, was a day that can't pass unnoticed.

Boro Park Yiden are experiencing six Levayes in just 24 hours, all Heimishe Erliche Yiden from various ages and communities, which multiplies the sadness times six.

It is in such times that we raise our eyes to Hashem with a Tefilah for the final Geulah to come, when we will once again meet these smiling faces with Techias Hameisim.

BDE: Harav Avrohom Yehoshua Heschel Schapiro, z”l

BDE: R' Yakov Avigdor Papier, z”l

BDE: R' Yakov Eliezer Grunwald z"l

BDE: R’ Menachem Daum, z”l

BDE: R’ Yehuda Tzvi (Heshy) Fruchter, z”l

BDE: R' Avrum Mordche Blitman, z"l

Junior Chef: Parsha Frogs
  • Jan 7 2024
  • |
  • 2:00 PM

BDE: R' Yakov Eliezer Grunwald z"l
  • Jan 7 2024
  • |
  • 10:25 AM

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