Junior Chef: Parsha Frogs
Guaranteed to bring lots of hoppiness to every Junior Chef out there!You will need:Mini black and white.... read more
Junior Chef: Smiling Sun Snacks
It might be almost January, but who says your Junior Chef can't still enjoy the sun? Try these Smiling Sun Snacks to sneak a little sunshine into.... read more
Junior Chef: Parsha Peanut Chews
Make a parsha connection with your Junior Chef when putting together these popular peanut chew treats, which will remind everyone that in this.... read more
Junior Chef: Mini Hot Chocolate Cups
These mini hot chocolate cups will hit the spot, and no need to wait for them to cool off either!You will need:Mini chocolate.... read more
BoroPark24's 'Junior Chef' Chanukah Recipe Collection
Calling all Junior Chefs:Hey, just wanted to let you know we got the kids a little something special in honor of Chanukah!Check it.... read more
BoroPark24 Chanukah Recipe Collection
Our popular recipes keep our readers coming back for more time and again, so this Chanukah, we decided to get our readers a little something.... read more
Junior Chef: No-Drip Ice Cream Cones
Drippy ice cream cones are meant for the summer while this No-Drip Ice Cream Cone recipe is meant for your Junior Chef.You will.... read more
Junior Chef: Two Ingredient Shabbos Dessert
A Shabbos dessert that is not only two steps but also too good - from your Junior Chef. You will need:Baking.... read more
Junior Chef: Chocolate Pretzel Rods
Can't go wrong with this easy Junior Chef recipe that is a breeze to make.You will needPretzel.... read more
Junior Chef: Apple Pops
Perfect fall treat your Junior Chef can design while apples are still in season and taste their best. read more
Junior Chef: Banana Pancakes
No Junior Chef pro is going to be able to bear missing out on making this charming creation. And the rest of the family - they'll go.... read more
Junior Chef: Strawberry Yogurt Bites
Is your Junior Chef missing summer? This frozen treat will bring back all the flavors of summer in one bite-sized treat. You will.... read more
Junior Chef: Cherry Muffins
These muffins will be the cherry on top of the day for your Junior Chef - plus anyone they choose to share with. read more
Junior Chef: Chodesh Cheshvon Umbrellas
Here is the way for your Junior Chef to create a perfect Chodesh Cheshvon umbrella for.... read more
Recipe: Apple Cider Miami Ribs
A delicious piece of meat doesn’t necessarily have to require hours upon hours of baking time. These ribs cook in just an hour and.... read more
Junior Chef: Edible Simchas Torah Flags
Your Junior Chef expert can create and hand out these edible flags to add to the Simchas Torah spirit! You.... read more
Recipe: Mushroom Split Pea Soup
Bring some warmth into your sukkah with this hearty bowl of nourishing.... read more
Junior Chef: Sefer Torah Cookies
Perfect for presenting to Sukkah hoppers, for an impressive dessert your Junior Chef can take pride in, and for a Simchas Torah treat. Your Junior.... read more