Lelover Rebbe of Beit Shemesh to Visit Boro Park
Veteran Boro Parkers may be familiar with the easy-to-miss
Lelover Shtiebel on Forty-third Street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth
Avenues, one of the last remaining shuls to still have the old-style lettered
It is named Beis Dovid, for the first Lelover Rebbe.
This evening, it will host the current Rebbe, Rav Aaron
Biederman, Shilta, of Beit Shemesh, a son of Rav Shimon Nosson Nuta, who was a
son of Rav Moshe Mordechai Biederman of Lelov, all great tsaddikim of the holy
city of Yerushalayim.
He will spend the entire Shabbos in the Boro Park Shul—when
he is expected to draw crowds— and remain here for a number of days next week.
The Rebbe was last here two years ago, before the
Coronavirus epidemic, and chassidim in Boro Park and beyond anticipate days of
elevation and holiness in the coming weeks.