Photo Gallery: Boro Parkers Viewing the Solar Eclipse - Part 3

By BoroPark24 Staff
Yesterday, the much-awaited solar eclipse drew Boro Park residents outside to watch this amazing niflaos haborah unfold. Wherever you looked; on the streets, porches, and roofs, people had their heads tilted up, watching through the eclipse glasses as the moon slowly covered the sun.
Baruch Hashem, although many were nervous about the weather, the sky was mostly clear and allowed for a full viewing experience. As the moon crossed in front of the sun, the air got chilly and the sky turned dark, bringing a hush over the world for a few moments. It didn’t stay quiet for long though, as wherever groups of bochurim and their rebbes had gathered, a burst of song and dance filled the air, praising Hashem’s wonders.
BoroPark24 photographers were on site, capturing Yidden everywhere as they viewed this historic moment.
photos by: Avrumi Berger, Hershy Rubinstein/JDN